Sunday, November 3, 2019


10/21/2019 - 10/27/2019

“The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t”

On Monday it was my good buddy's birthday!  I invited him out for a drink but he was 4 days on the wagon.  I haven't seen him a long time and I miss him.  Kate and I rehearsed Blood in the amenities room at her condo.  After that Pepperoni Pizza Cats rehearsed for the first time in a long time (every time we rehearse it's the first time in a long time) at Laura's condo.  I know a lot of people who live in condos.  That's Toronto for ya!
On Tuesday Kate and I rehearsed Blood again.  Kate's only living in her condo temporarily until her condo is ready.
On Wednesday it was another good buddy's birthday!  I texted him. 
I started 3.5 weeks of training for my new job!
On Thursday I trained.
On Friday I trained.
On Saturday we had Adeline's birthday party at the house!  Crafts, games, pizza and cake; good times!  Maggie was over for the party and staying the night.  She was kind enough to sit with kids while Kenny and I snuck out to see JOKER!
The guy sitting beside me answered SIX different phone calls, threw popcorn at my shoe and heckled the screen the entire movie.
I wanted to kill him.
On Sunday I filmed a sketch about cannibals with another buddy!
It looks like I have a lot of buddies!
(I do not.)


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POSTPONAVIRUS 09/03/2020 - 16/03/2020 I was hesitant to continue Blood any further than the first two initial shows. It's a t...